06 March 2013

Should We Bring Conservative Personalities To Our Cause?

06 March 2013   I've been noticing alot of people making lists of political-news celebrities that we should bring on-board to our cause.  People like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Michael Savage to name a few.  These are all personalities I used to listen to over the years, starting with Rush when I would visit my grandfather for lunch years ago.  Many people are of the opinion for our movement to take out this corrupt government we need personalities such as the ones I listed and have even insisted some of them be put into positions of power.  I'm sorry, but I disagree.

First, you have to understand, these folks make money attacking the Left.  They make money through appearances and the books they write.  Although much of the information they write and speak about is spot-on, every one of them is nothing but a tool of the Republican Party.  I refuse to fight for our Constitutional Republic, throw out the vast majority of politicians from both parties that are the problem, and then put into positions these personalities that are a voice for the Republican Party, those personalities who haven't done a thing except help hijack the Tea Party, those men and women who are also guilty of letting certain stories get buried when they should have been shouting them from the mountain-tops.

Don't get me wrong:  I would side myself with Conservatives, having been one, before siding with Liberals, but I am a Constitutionalist.  And as a Constitutionalist I cannot support ANYONE who represents a party against the Constitution [like Democrats] or a party that is willing to bend over backwards to sacrifice their principles to satisfy the Democrats.  Remember this:   Although Thomas Jefferson was the first Democratic Republican, the Republican Party didn't truly come into it's own until the first Republican President: Abraham Lincoln.  Many people say how great Lincoln was, and in some ways he was.  But because of President Lincoln, the first major assault on the Constitution was launched.  The Civil War was not a war about slavery.  Anyone with half a brain-cell and time can research why it was really fought.  The Civil War [or War of Northern Aggression] was fought over State's Rights.  It was fought because the Federal Government wanted to tell the States what they could and could not do.  And it started with the Republican Party.

Personally, I don't call it the "Civil War" anymore.  I call it the "Second Revolutionary War," and unfortunately the Confederacy, who were in the right and who freed their slaves well before the North did, lost the war.  And as we enter into the "Third Revolutionary War" in 2013, I don't believe we need to stain our spirits or our cause by embracing into our fold personalities that are only about one thing:  the Republican Party.

So, put simply, I do not believe it wise to embrace those Conservative radio and TV hosts in our movement.  They share the guilt for ignoring things their beloved Republican Party has done and put a spin on it, just as the other side does.  They are as guilty for the crimes against the Constitution as are the politicians on both sides of the aisle whom have shredded it a little more year after year.  They can never be trusted in my book.

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