15 March 2013

Hughes Amendment of 1986

15 March 2013   "Assault Weapons" were already banned back in 1986.  And in this ban it was clearly defined that an assault weapon was a weapon capable of firing either "burst" and/or "fully automatic," in other words, firing more than one round per pull of the trigger.The bill that the Hughes Amendment was attached to, HR 4332, was signed into law on 19 May 1986 by President Ronald Reagan.  It became Public Law 99-308, the Firearms Protection Act.

Follow link to read:   Hughes Amendment

Regarding these fully automatic firearms owned by private citizens in the United States, political scientist Earl Kruschke said "approximately 175,000 automatic firearms have been licensed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (the federal agency responsible for administration of the law) and evidence suggests that none of these weapons has ever been used to commit a violent crime."

Click on this link to watch a video showing the difference between an actual assault rifle and a sports rifle.  You will also see that there is only a half a second difference in firing time if you are limited to a 10 round magazine and need to change it to continue firing.

YouTube video:   Assault Rifle vs Sports Rifle

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