21 March 2013 It's been a little while since I last posted. Have been sick 3 times in 2 months, and I don't get sick often. A lot of things happening in my personal life as well as in the country and I have been pre-occupied. With that being said, I reckon now is as good a time as any to rant and get some things off of my chest.
There is a "movement" called "Global Mutiny" at http://globalmutiny.blogspot.com/. Supposedly, the movement will descend on Washington, D.C. on 20 April 2013 with a list of demands for the President and his Administration, as well as members of Congress, to step down peaceably. They will only pursue this if they have at least 500,000 people in attendance. Then, if their demands are not met by 1200 hours on 21 April 2013, they will proceed to take all of the Federal buildings in the area. I find this comical because they are doing this unarmed. Also, it is such short notice, they will never get the amount of bodies they need to have a chance in hell of doing this. Plus, Congress doesn't convene on the weekends so their demands will fall on deaf ears. The organizer has a very intricate plan on his website on preparing for just about everything the police will throw at them, but it took me close to two hours to read the whole plan! It is too complex for everyone to remember, and many people will be needlessly hurt because one man will not be able to control such a vast number of people. There are bound to be folks who decide to do their own thing and cause needless conflict with the police. So, my bottom line is I feel that getting that many people together with a complex plan not everyone will remember or abide by, unarmed on top of it all, is a losing proposal. I do believe we must exhaust all peaceful measures before revolution, but if you get an enormous number of people together you need a simple plan and you need a commander of sorts for every certain number of people to keep everyone on the same page. My personal opinion, with this administration, we will soon find out that a peaceful solution is unavailable and we will inevitably have to take up arms against those in government who are ignoring the Constitution in order to further their own agendas.
Speaking of agendas, I am so tired of politicians on Capitol Hill saying the following phrase when addressing a Senator or Representative or the President: "I believe that the Senator/Representative/President/Vice President truly has our best interests at heart but..." This was being said to Senator Feinstein many times during her attack on our 2nd Amendment and God-given right to own firearms. I am sorry, but I know two things about people like Senator Feinstein: 1) They are extremely smart, not stupid. They have the same statistics on any issue that we all do, but they ignore them and use vague and questionable statistics on purpose. Why? Because, 2) They have an agenda that goes against our Republic, against our Constitution, against all that used to be held sacred, decent, and good in American society. They are communists, PERIOD, and their plan for a new America is so close they can taste it. They aren't stupid, they know exactly what they are doing and they know they have enough uninformed idiots in this country that will believe anything they say and will continue to vote for them blindly. Just as an example, if Senator Feinstein truly had our best interests at heart, she would not be circumventing the Constitution every chance she got. If she truly believed that banning firearms was the best thing for WE THE PEOPLE, she would be fighting for it tooth and nail CONSTANTLY, not just when the opportunity to take advantage of a crisis like Newtown, CT opened the door to possibly pass it easily. She and others like her are liars, that is why they are called politicians.
Politicians... I hate the word. To me it means someone who has made a career out of lying, cheating the system, abusing their powers, and brain-washing their constituents through fear and class warfare. I don't want any more politicians running this country. I want my Republic back and I want it run by Statesmen. Statesmen are men and women who feel it is an honor to serve this Republic, abide by the Constitution in ALL of their decisions, represent "We the People" honestly, and keep each other in check. Statesmen would also allow the people to vote on whether they deserve a pay raise and by how much. They would be content with serving under term limits, and then going back to their normal jobs when they are done. They would never think of passing laws that do not apply to both the People and them, and they would not expect to get ridiculous retirement packages and medical benefits just because they served the People. I want Statesmen again, those Americans who are true Patriots and actually know all of our founding documents forwards and backwards. Statesmen who read bills before voting on them, and only entertain bills that are ONE TOPIC, not a topic with a bunch of amendments attached to it that have nothing to do with the main text of the bill. Statesmen that will have the balls to dismantle unconstitutional agencies such as the Federal Reserve, and will close any programs or departments which are proven inefficient or we have no funding for at the time, meaning entitlement programs mostly. Statesmen that uphold their oath to our Republic, our Constitution, morality, and family values again.
Family values... amazing that I grew up with them and saw them stripped away so quickly when "political correctness" reared its ugly head in the '80s. Folks don't seam to realize that once political correctness took hold the family values that so many generations of Americans grew up with started to be stripped away. You saw it first on television. Very rarely did you see shows anymore that taught you personal responsibility, faith in God and family, and respect for your fellow Americans. I grew up watching such shows like "Leave It to Beaver," "The Andy Griffith Show," "Bonanza," and so many others. Shows that could be funny but in a clean and wholesome way. Shows that didn't need a rating because any age could watch them and get something good from them. The last shows I can remember like this before todays rash of crap were "7th Heaven" and "Highway to Heaven." All of the shows from the mid-80's on are dysfunctional on so many levels. Every family sitcom is dysfunctional, and we laugh. I can't think of one show on TV that is made for the entire family to sit down and watch and gain hope from, or respect, or love. Look at some of the movies for "children" these days. Although for the most part they are for the age group they were rated for they all seem to have a few instances of adult humor slipped into them. The America I grew up in is gone; we have become complacent and lost our morality.
When I was young, police really seemed to be their for us. They seemed to be our friends. I can't say that anymore. I think most people fear the police. Why? Aren't they here to protect and serve us? They used to be, but now that is only a corporate slogan written on the side of their patrol cars. Police departments are nothing but a para-military branch of the corrupt, corporate government that is destroying this country. The police are controlled by one party, the Democrats. Why? Because the police are a union, and organization called the Fraternal Order of Police, and they are expected to support the party that is considered union-friendly: the Democratic party. Whenever gun control is being pushed by the Democrats, the FOP representatives and some token-officers are always standing around the politician at his or her press conference. Not all police are bad, but I feel an over-whelming number of them wouldn't think twice, once the shit hits the fan, to take away your rights and beat your head in on camera. Look at the lawless way the police in California acted in pursuit of Christopher Dorner. They were shooting up vehicles that weren't the right make, model, or color of Dorner's, and they were shooting people in those vehicles without positively identifying them. They are trigger-happy vigilantes who believe they are above the laws they enforce. It brings to mind the line said to Deckard, in Blade Runner, by his Captain: "You know the score! If you ain't cop you're little people!" I believe that to be the mentality of the FOP for the most part.
However, I do trust law enforcement. And the law enforcement I trust are the Sheriffs. Sheriff Departments are the highest law enforcement authority in their counties, and they seem to over-whelmingly believe in the rights guaranteed us by God and the Constitution. So much so that they are willing to bear arms with us against the Federal government should it try to come into their counties and enforce unconstitutional laws. It wasn't until I moved down south that I realized just how important the Sheriff was, and why in local elections the Sheriff is the most talked about position. It is considered so very important in the south because they believe in the Constitution. Does that mean they can't be corrupted? Not at all, but most of the deputies and sheriffs I have met are good people and just want to do right by the people they protect. There is a big difference between the Sheriff Department and the FOP.
I am a terrorist. It must be true because the Southern Poverty Law Center says I am. Why? Because I believe in the Constitution, I believe in God, I believe our country is supposed to be a Republic and am fighting to restore it, I educate myself on the candidates that believe in the Constitution, I question the government when it assaults our rights, I dare question the policies of the President when they conflict with the powers granted him by the Constitution, I attend rallies and congressional hearings, I believe in family values, small government, freedom and liberty, and I own firearms and exercise my right to carry them every day. According to the powers in Washington, D.C. and everyone on the Left, that makes me a terrorist. Disagreeing with anything the Democrats say makes you a terrorist, and lately it seems to make you a terrorist if you disagree with the RINO's, which are most of the "Old Guard" of the Republican party.
Chemtrails... This has been annoying the hell out of me lately as some folks on the D.C. Clothesline threads are trying to hijack our conversation about what changes we need to make to the government to bring it back to a Constitutional Republic. Folks keep coming out with this ridiculous theory that chemtrails are the act of the government poisoning us, destroying the soil and environment, and bran-washing us. Chemtrails have been proven over and over again. The "smoke" you see coming off high-flying jets traveling at high speeds and high altitudes where the air is colder and thinner are merely the result of condensation coming off the wing-tips. I am so sick of these chemtrail conspiracy theorists. Even if they were right about chemtrails, it is a ridiculously insignificant issue when putting together a list of impeachable and treasonous offences perpetrated by this and previous administrations. For fuck's sake... Should we throw in "We never really landed on the moon" conspiracy theory in there too? Please...
What is really driving me nuts at this moment is the fact that I feel we really need to all get active in the unorganized state militias, which are guaranteed by the Constitution for our common defense, and yet I am finding it hard to find one. I can locate a bunch on Facebook, but they aren't true militias. They are just message forums. I don't want to be on my own if it comes time to defend my family. I need those people with Constitutional values whom I can trust. The militias that will be under the direction of the governor of our state when things go bad. And yet, even after speaking with one from a neighboring state that is supposed to link me up with one in my area, here I am, a month later, and no contact from my local militia. It is aggravating to say the least, especially when the economy is about to collapse and chaos will ensue.
The financial collapse of the U.S. dollar is predicted to happen as early as this summer. Some financial analysts have said the dollar may plummet in value by 97% and gas prices will go up to $9/gallon. With that, of course everything else goes up, and mass civil unrest and rioting will occur. I have no doubt at all that this will happen this year, and the Administration knows it. That is why the Department of Homeland Security is gearing up. Didn't know about this? DHS has been training with law enforcement and military in major cities around America to quell civil unrest. They have been using the works, buzzing in with troops in Blackhawks and Little Birds. Doing practice strafing runs in our city street with blanks. DHS has purchased almost 2 billion rounds of ammunition of various calibers for "training purposes." I might have believed that if 450 million rounds of hollow point ammunition wasn't part of the purchase. If you know anything about the Geneva Convention, hollow point ammunition is illegal to use in international warfare. Also, there is no reason to use hollow points in training since it is more expensive and even military and law enforcement doesn't train with it. The Geneva Convention, however, does not exclude the use of hollow point ammunition on your country's own soil, against your own citizens. Also, why has DHS purchased 3,000 armored vehicles and 7,000 "Personal Defense Weapons?" What are PDW's? Well they are M-16's/M4 machine guns. You know the "assault weapons," the AR-15's they keep trying to take away from us because they are weapons of mass destruction? The ones that only shoot one round per trigger pull? Same thing except the PDW's that DHS uses now are fully automatic. But since a government agency is using them, they are personal defense weapons, not "assault" weapons. Who are they defending themselves from? They know we have had enough and they know Americans are going to rise up against the government at some point. So they get the fully automatic weapons, the drones, the armored vehicles, and enough ammo to wage a 20 year war hear in the U.S., and try to disarm us before the shit hits the fan. They are scared shitless, and should be. DHS is another agency that is unconstitutional, because the U.S. government is not allowed to create a "police" force that answers to the government. That's why police are at the State level and below.
Well, I think I have ranted enough. My back is killing me and I am tired. So I will leave it at that for now.
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