03 March 2013

My Letter to Senator Stevens Over SB 0250

03 March 2013   Below is a copy of the E-Mail I just sent to Senator Stevens in Tennessee.  Hopefully I, with the help of other Patriots being respectful, can change his mind on this issue so he will vote "YES" on SB 0250 next time around.

Senator Stevens, my name is Mike Schall. I live in Carthage, TN. I was at the Judiciary Committee Hearing for SB 0250 and was disappointed to say the least. I only wish the public was allowed to speak during the hearing. Anyway, I looked up your voting record, and saw that you are very much for the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. I understand that SB 0250 is more of a Constitution issue that just a 2nd Amendment issue, but really they go hand-in-hand. I would love to meet with you some time and talk face-to-face, but if that isn't possible I hope we can at least get a dialogue going here.

The thing that rings in my ears above all else is your testimony that law enforcement in your districts are not keen on having to arrest a federal agent or agents that may decide to enforce an unconstitutional gun ban and restriction that will either be forced through Congress or done through Executive Order because SB 0250, if passed, would make it null and void in the state of Tennessee. You mentioned that law enforcement also doesn't want to have to get in a shoot-out and possibly kill someone they work with every day. First, I would remind you that I highly doubt that law enforcement officers and agents, who should be the most law-abiding of citizens and very professional, would ever let tempers flare to the point of shooting each other. I just don't see that in the realm of possibility. Senator Mae Beavers said that the amendment that was passed reducing it to a Class A Misdemeanor that would allow Tennessee law enforcement to just issue a citation should have taken that scenario out of the equation. Also, as you stated, or Senator Kelsey [can't remember], if the bill was passed into law here, a federal agent would automatically have the case heard in Federal court not Tennessee court. To that I would say that is fine. The point is that a Tennesseean that the federal agent was trying to apprehend for not abiding by an unconstitutional federal law [according to Tennessee] would have been protected and not had his/her 2nd Amendment rights infringed upon regardless of the outcome of the Federal ruling, and the Tennessee Sheriff or other local or state law enforcement that issued the citation or attempted arrest would also be protected because he/she serves the State of Tennessee. I am glad, and I truly believe, that you agree with the spirit of this bill. I also believe that should the Obama Administration or Congress actually pass this gun ban, and Tennessee passes a law to nullify said gun ban within our borders, that there really would be no attempt to try to enforce it in Tennessee, especially with so many other states about to pass similar laws as the one outlined in SB 0250. To try and enforce the federal law in a state that does not recognize it within its borders would do nothing but tie up Federal resources, money, and time in the courts.

3 weeks ago, there were 5 firearms companies that publicly stated that they were boycotting NY government and law enforcement, refusing to sell to them as long as their strict gun ban that affected citizens was in effect. A week later that number jumped to 45 companies, then 60 companies. As of right now, there are over 80 companies doing so, each of which has written a letter stating as much to Governor Cuomo. In Colorado, Magpul, a home-grown company who's bulk of business is AR-15 30-round magazines, has already put into motion the steps necessary to move out of state should the Colorado Legislature pass a restrictive firearms bill into law. They have made it public record on Facebook and other social outlets because the majority of their sales are to civilians. They mean to do it, taking an $85 million a year business out of Colorado. Remember, we have a very prominent firearms manufacturer right here in Murfreesboro, TN: Barrett Firearms. The thing I love about Barrett is that they truly support every aspect of the Constitution. Ronnie Barrett has stated many times that we are all equal as American citizens under the 2nd Amendment, regardless of whether you are a civilian, law enforcement, government agent, or military. When California passed a gun ban on any .50 caliber firearm, Ronnie Barrett made two decisions: First, he told California that he refused to provide service for and to sell any of his firearms to the State of California, its agencies, and its law enforcement as long as the ban was in effect. Secondly, he designed a .416 caliber rifle that looked and performed almost as well as his M82A1 .50 caliber rifle so that it could be legally sold and owned in the State of California to civilians. How would Tennesseeans feel if Ronnie Barrett decided to do this here, or decided to move out of state? God knows he has the money to do it without missing a beat.

I agree with the fact that this bill is in a way symbolic. But it symbolizes something very important. It symbolizes that the State of Tennessee is one of many states that has finally had enough of unconstitutional federal laws that have been trickling down for the past 60 years or so. It symbolizes that the State of Tennessee truly cares about Tennesseeans and their God-given Constitutional rights. It symbolizes that Tennessee truly believes in "States" rights, as was promised us by our Founding Fathers. It symbolizes that Tennessee is truly a leader in this great Republic, not afraid to make a stand when a stand has to be made, and it has to be made now more than ever. It symbolizes the true spirit of our great state's motto: "American at it's best!"

I am 42 years old and grew up in NJ. I saw NJ change first, change into something opposite of the state I loved as a child. I saw family values disappear, new government agencies taking more control of our lives, Rutgers University banning the display of American flags in dorm rooms, very restrictive gun laws getting more restrictive, all to the point where Jerseyans refer to the state as the "Socialist State of New Jersey." Before I left, many of us wondered when they were going to be honest with us all and just move the capitol from Trenton to Berlin and rename the state "New Germany." I came here to work the nukes and the first day I arrived I fell in love. I always say that Tennessee is the most beautiful state I have ever been to and I have more freedom here than I have ever had anywhere. To me, Tennessee is truly "God's Country" and is the epitome of what Freedom and Liberty is all about. I loved looking into the history of the "Volunteer State" and finding that when the Texans needed help at the Alamo, one of the first reinforcements they received was Crockett and his "Volunteers." They went there not because they had to, but because they believed in Independence and Liberty, and most of all, Freedom from Oppression. They were hell-bent on saving Texas from the Mexican Oppressors. Although they all died, their sacrifice is always remembered. I am sure if they had a second chance at life, knowing the outcome of the Alamo, they would go right back there and fight again knowing full well they would die. Because they died for what they believed in, even more than the other folks Texas called for reinforcements who decided not to send any.

My grandpa was a big influence in my life before he passed on. He instilled in me two things that stay with me to this day. First, "Stand up for what you know is right, even if nobody stands with you." Secondly, "A man's word defines the man." Senator Stevens, I am asking you to stand with us and help get SB 0250 passed. I know that in your position as a government official there are other factors you have to take in to consideration. One of them being the Federal government trying to force Tennessee into submission with funding cuts. But I ask you this: Would you rather stand with us, doing the right thing for Tennesseeans, being remembered for your strong, courageous stance with unwavering vigilance, a stance that will earn you the hearts of Tennesseans everywhere and guarantee your re-election into whatever office you seek, or fold to the whims of a Federal government gone awry and be despised because you didn't act when you had the chance?

Please. I urge you to vote "YES" on SB 0250 to protect us from unconstitutional gun laws issued by the Federal government. The States give power to the Federal government, not the other way around. Law enforcement enforces the law, yes, but they did not take an oath to the law. They took an oath to uphold, preserve, and protect the Constitution. And the Constitution states that our 2nd Amendment "shall not be infringed." We were guaranteed by our Founding Fathers that we are to be as well-armed as the military of the day, as citizens who can defend our Republic from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and allow us the ability to defend ourselves against a government that has become too powerful if we were driven to do so. The Constitution also states that any law that is passed must pertain to EVERYBODY. Making laws, such as the weapons ban Feinstein is hell-bent on passing into law, that affect the "civilians" but not government agents or law enforcement is completely unconstitutional. Just like they did with ObamaCare. It was unconstitutional how they made it a law, it is unconstitutional because it is taxation without representation, plus members of Congress are exempt to it. Anyway, I could go on and on but I don't believe you are blind to the many unconstitutional laws that have been passed over the decades.

Senator Stevens, you are one of our bastions of hope here in Tennessee. We need this bill passed into law. You have the same access, if not more, to the statistics over the years from the FBI and Department of Justice that shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the areas of the country with the least gun restrictions have lower crime rates than in areas where gun control is strictest. New Jersey, as an example, requires you to get a Federal Firearms Identification card before you can buy ammo or firearms. In fact, you cannot even handle a firearm in a gun store until your FFID is on the counter. To purchase a handgun, you must apply for a purchasing permit every time you want to buy a handgun. These usually take 6 months to get, however it is faster ever since Obama first got into office because of the sheer numbers of citizens scrambling to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights there. And you can only buy one handgun a month. No rhyme or reason to it because gun control has not worked in NJ. It only hurt the law-abiding gun owners. Criminals still got whatever firearms they wanted and during the original "Assault Weapons Ban" Camden, NJ ranked as the worst city in the world for many years for violent crime. In New Jersey, if you are not law enforcement, you cannot get a Carry Permit either.

I know I am rambling on, and I believe I have said enough to get you to re-think your stance on this bill. Please reconsider and vote "YES" on SB 0250. It is important to Tennesseeans and it is important to America. Let's be the first state to declare to the Republic of the United States of America "Tennesseeans stand together with the Constitution." Show the Nation that Tennessee truly is "America at it's best!"

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention to him that LE arrests and issues citations to people they know every day. Neighbors in the community they serve.
