27 April 2013

Why You Should Join A Constitutional Militia

27 April 2013   This is a call out to all American Patriots.  It is no mystery as to how much America has been degraded, especially over the last 62 years.  If your eyes are open, if you are awake, if you have done your research and ignored the lies and cover-ups of the main stream media outlets, you are well aware of where our country is headed.  You have noticed how many politicians, past and present, were once or are currently members of the Democratic Socialists of America.  You know where this country is headed.  You are the "Sleeping Giant" that has awakened.  You have studied the steps outlined in "The Communist Manifesto" and know that 42 of the 43 steps required to turn a country to Communism have been achieved here in America.  You also realize that the reason the socialists are hell-bent on assaulting the 2nd Amendment at whatever cost now is because that is the last step needed - to disarm the American people so they achieve their final goal: Communism in America.  You are no longer one of the Sheep who say "that will never happen here" because you see it happening.  And you know that now, with the little time we have left, is the time to prepare for disaster.

The enemies of the Constitution and the Republic of the United States of America have more resources, power, and money to achieve their goals.  But what they don't have what every Patriot has - the fighting spirit to defend something worth dying for:  our families and their future.  The Right of our future generations to live Free.  And we are here to help you do just that.  Contact me.  The Freedom Fighters network of Militias has one primary goal.  That goal is, in the event of any disaster or homeland war, to secure our families in safe locations, provide for them, and defend them at all costs.  If there is a war to be fought, we will fight but only after the security of our families is guaranteed.  You are not alone!

Col. Schall [TFF/5C]
Commander, Tennessee Freedom Fighters
National Recruiter, Freedom Fighters

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