19 April 2013

3 Kinds of Patriots

19 April 2013   I'll tell ya.  Sometimes it is absolutely aggravating dealing with "Patriots."  Don't get mad, just follow me on this.  Most of us realize that this country has gone to hell in a hand-basket, and yet there are still countless people who don't understand the urgency of getting prepared.  There are three classes of people right now who are "awake."  The first and by far the largest group are the Patriots who know what we are up against but do nothing more than join Facebook groups to talk about it.  This includes exchanging news stories that we all have access to and then re-post them over and over.  It also includes the posting and re-posting on every page of patriotic pictures with "cool" sayings on them.  These "Patriots" are fairly useless in my opinion.

The second group are the Patriots who know we need to do something, but are still in a mind-set that all we need to do is sign petitions, write and call our Representatives and Senators relentlessly, and vote bad politicians out of office in the next election cycle.  Although I commend the efforts of these Patriots, and I participate in their efforts, deep down inside I don't believe for a second that in the long run it will make a difference.  In my opinion, signing these petitions [which have yet to produce any positive results] immediately put you on a "terrorist watch list."  Although some politicians are definitely listening to us when we call and write them over and over again, the politicians who are the REAL problem [the communists] don't care and do not change their minds once they are set against the American people.

The third group are the Militia, those American Patriots who realize there is no time left for talk.  We realize that the time is so close to the revolution that we need to organize and train.  We need to practice every survival skill necessary to live off of the grid when the SHTF.  And it is the Militia units that are going to save the Republic; not the arm-chair warriors who bitch and moan that "something has to be done" or who join the various Militia pages for "information purposes" and then turn around and criticize the leadership.  These people will be some of the first to be rounded up and killed because instead of joining the Militia they were content to sit back and just read intel about what the enemy is doing.  Agree with me or not, it really doesn't matter to me.  I am preparing, I am leading, and I am recruiting.  I am gathering intel for my people and the rest of the Militia across the nation.  And in the end, many of us will die, but we will prevail.  When people look back, decades from now, on this Revolutionary War, they will remember it was the Patriots in the Militia who restored the Republic of the United States of America.


  1. carl killingsworth28 April, 2013 06:57

    While I appreciate your conviction and your dedication to a cause, I am concerned about your attitude of criticism toward others who don't ascend to your level of dedication.

    There are huge numbers of people, just as concerned as you are, who do not have the physical ability, or the resources to do any more than the little they are doing.

    While their meager efforts may not measure up to your expectations, please remember that not everyone has your courage, your resources, or your ability, and honor them for the fact that, at least they are aware of the coming storm.

    1. Unfortunately, Carl, being aware of the coming storm isn't going to keep you alive. Just networking with folks isn't going to bring people around you to get your family to a safe haven for protection. I have plenty of elderly and disabled Patriots who are in our Militias across the country. Constitutional Militias are made of Patriots, regardless of whether they are physically capable of combat. Every individual brings needed skills and experience to the table. We have Patriots who are teachers, tailors, construction workers, doctors... and so many more. Because when we need to bug-out to our safe haven for extended periods of time, we will need them to take care of the sick, repair clothing, teach our children, build make-shift shelters, cook, etc. There isn't one Patriot who joins us who is useless.

  2. I, for one, feel the call to 'upgrade' to class III patriot, if only to pass the ammo to those more physically prepared to be warriors than myself! To raise hell on FB is not sufficient; to anchor faith to a petition is worse than futile (it's profoundly retarded) in a corrupt system such as what we've allowed our government to become.

    Having never confronted a crisis, it's not sure how I'll react when the time comes, but if need be, I hope to be gifted with the stubborn courage to give my all without blinking an eye. It's a choice after all, to put it all on the line ... or not.

    The same is true if/when you read your Bible. It's clear, to gain the crown, you're expected to ante up your physical life if need be, to gain eternal life, and there'll be the opportunity for you to test your grit there as well.

    What we are facing, individually and as a people, is a complete and devastating reversal of every value we call our own. It's got nothing to do with physical ability, resources, or whatever ... it's all about what's inside: our strength of character and unwillingness to compromise our convictions. Are you prepared to put your life on the line while standing up (physically or mentally) for what you profess to believe ... or not??

    1. Well said, Alex. The bottom line is will you stand up for what's right or will you bow down and become a slave. If I am to die, and I probably will, I would rather it be on my feet fighting than to live on my knees as a slave.

  3. I agree with Carl. How do people like us help fight the battle. I can't legally own a gun. I have physical limitations and no job. Like Alex I would pass the ammo. Please tell us how to fight!

    1. See my response to Carl. You have a place, Barbara. You are a Patriot whom has knowledge, skills, and experience. Do not sell yourself short.
